Humans are naturally sociable. There's a saying that having healthy friendships helps you live longer. Having good relationships with your friends rewards us with a happier, healthier, and memorable life.
Isn't friendship built on the good times? I think most would agree: the key ingredient to friendship is a good laugh, which you and your besties are sure to enjoy over many of these friendship cards.
NOTE: If you're on the hunt for cards with sass, check out our Inappropriate Birthday Cards collection.
In this article (click to jump):
- How Do I Express My Friendship?
- 23 Funny Friendship Cards
- 19 Ideal Friendship Cards for Best Friends
- 30 Fun Friendship Birthday Cards
- BONUS: Friendship Card Messages for Inside the Card
How Do I Express My Friendship?
There are a few ways to express your appreciation for your friend. Invite them out and pay for drinks, host a slumber party, or send them a random "How are you doing?" text to make sure they're doing well.
You can also get more creative in expressing yourself through art. Write a poem, make a photo collage, or create something for them, such as a friendship bracelet. There are countless ways that you can express your friendship through creativity.
One of the easiest ways, though, is to send them a card to brighten up their day.
Below are 50 handpicked friendship cards from independent brands that you can send to your friend to express how special they are to you.
23 Funny Friendship Cards
Here are 23 funny and lighthearted cards that you can send to show appreciation to a friend. These are sure to put a smile on your buddy's face.

A Whole New World - Make your friend smile with this sweet thank you card. The words "I appreciate you" are written inside. The world sucks less with the right people in your life.

Disappointment Surprise - For that friend you can always count on. This card will make your friend's heart melt with the punch line, "I'd be broke. I can always count on you." Written inside.

A Crappy Card - It's hard to find people who give a crap these days. Show special appreciation to your friend with this card. Inside it says "I appreciate you more than words (or red pandas handing each other poop) can say."
Trouble available at TiN RABBiT - For that “bad influence friend” that helps you make great memories… just not great life decisions.
You Can Call available at Tigertree - Who answers phone calls anymore? 💁♀️
I Really Like B*tches available at Ella J - They say “variety is the spice of life,” but we’re starting a petition to change it to, “B*tches are the spice of life.”
Listen Card available at Found Furnishings - Whether it’s a long sermon for your friend who got back with their toxic ex, a love confession, or a simple birthday greeting, this card has your back! It’s blank inside, perfect for dumping all those bottle-up feelings.
Idiot Sandwich available at Marrygrams - Give them the card between two slices of bread for added effect.
You Are Cocaine available at Greenstar Paperie - Don’t let anyone treat you as less than. Know your worth.
(The inside of this card says, “You are cocaine.”)
Horrible Friend from Write Impressions - The perfect friendship card for the friend with the most absurd ideas. Moms may call them a bad influence but that doesn’t matter when every hour with them is amazeballs.
You’re My Best Friend available at Backseat Love - Turns out these two things aren’t mutually exclusive!
In Moderation from Portage Bay Goods - Do you and your friends love ALL the booze and laughter? This card from Portage Bay Goods is the card for you! It adds to the list of the hundred excuses to go get wasted with your best pals.
Song Lyrics from Archer Paper - Has your friend been posting on social media a lot more than usual, and they're not telling you anything? We all know that feeling. Send them this card to let them know you're always ready if they need someone to talk to... or if they need someone's a*s kicked.
Not Getting Older - It’s terrifying to think that soon you'll be too tired to go to parties and get wasted with your pals, would rather slump on your couch ― and be held accountable for all your actions. It’s a universal experience, but just like this card from Paper Skyscraper says, we're just getting better.
Oops! available at Lockwood Shop - Forgetting your friend's birthday isn't the worst thing ever...sort of. Well, we hope a belated birthday card will suffice.

On The Toilet - They say you're most vulnerable in the bathroom, so texting someone while you're on the toilet means you give a crap.
See what I did there?

The S#!t - Speaking of crap, thank a friend for being someone you can always count on with the words, "Thanks for being the sh*t." Written inside of this card.
New Fossil available at Ecotique - Getting called an old fossil isn't always a bad thing. The recipient may be getting really old, but similar to a fossil, they're also one to treasure.
Music Taste from Idle Hour Boutique - Whether they love music made using violas and bassoons or electric guitars and bass drums, a friend is a treasure worth keeping. This is a perfect card to show your love for your friend with a different music taste and, of course, to remind them how much better yours is.

You're Pawsome - A furfect card for a pet loving friend. This cute card will give your friend warm fuzzies and pawsitive vibes.
Something In My Teeth from Gather - Give this to the friend who has seen all of your sides, even the ugly ones. Let them know how grateful you are that they stayed despite the embarrassing phases in your life.

Bad Words - Inside reads, "I appreciate you as much as I appreciate bad words (that's a lot)." If you're someone that curses a lot, then anyone who tolerates you is indeed a good friend.

I Saw This Dead Plant - Some people just aren't good at taking care of plants. Either they're too busy, or just forgetful. Either way, this card says "I get you" unlike any other on the list if they're wielding a back thumb of death.

Checking In - Good friends would check on each other from time to time. Show your friend you appreciate them by chick-in in once in a while.

What Doesn't Kill Us - A beautifully made letterpress card. It's nice to have a stiff drink or two during tough times. The same tough times that strengthen the bonds of friendship.
19 Ideal Friendship Cards for Best Friends
Here are 19 cards for the lucky few that hold the title of best friend. A best friend is like a dog, loyal and caring to the bitter end... also sometimes loud.

Crabby Friends - Perfect for your bestest friend in the world. With the punchline, "Is pretending I like my other friends as much as I like you" inside, it should bring out the brightest smile from your bestie.

Burying the Lede - It says, "The good, the bad, the happy, the sad. I'm just glad I made them with you" inside. No matter how dark and crazy life gets sometimes, as long as it's with your best friend, it's a memory to cherish forever.
(...even when you're hiding a body together, like the two hamsters on the inside of this card.)
Remember Life? from MILK - Life was good until it wasn't, but at least you had people to share it with, even during the hardest times. Take your friends down memory lane by giving them this card from MILK.
Until 9 PM available at Sweary Goods - If you're thinking of purchasing this card, the recipient either:
1) Lives with their parents.
2) Works a “real job” the next day.
3) Is just too old to party like they used to.
We don’t know about you, but we find ourselves identifying with #3 a little too well these days.
Get That Jerk available at Watson and Lou - Is your friend dealing with a jerk? Nothing's more satisfying than eating cookies after teaching him a lesson he'll never forget.
Nonviolently, of course.
Great Job from Calliope Paperie - Be your best friend's light amidst the darkness by giving them this card. Sometimes, all they need is a little reassurance.
Supportive Friend available at The Gregarious Goose - Sometimes life is terrible, as are your decisions, but a friend who accepts you no matter what is irreplaceable.
The Other Kind available at Kards Unlimited - There are two kinds of people in the world: the normal ones, and then there's you and your best friend.
A Hug From A Bud - As the world continues to suck each day, we will always have that one bud that makes everything suck less. An appreciation card from Cerulean is a perfect way to tell your buddy that it will get better as long as you're together.
Judge Together Card from Kelly Lewis - To the friends whom you shared the loud whispers, sudden waves of laughter, and meaningful glances with. Send them this card to tell them how boring life would be without them.

Bad influence - Common interests bring people together. Do what you enjoy long enough with someone, and you create a beautiful friendship that'll last for ages.

I Won’t Ask What’s in the Trunk Card - A best friend would help you with anything you need without question. Let's just hope that if you're ever asked to help bury something, it's treasure.
How Lucky from Edge of Urge - Being alive in this lifetime is not the best thing to happen, but living in the same lifetime with your best pal would make you think otherwise. No matter how much misfortune the world gives you, having one great friend can make you feel the luckiest.
This card (with a lil' bit of profanity) is a perfect way to express your love for your platonic soulmate.

Best-tea - Regularly drinking tea has many benefits to your wellness. So does having a "health-tea" relationship with your "best-tea".

Like a Bra - There's a saying that it's hard to find a good bra. It's even harder to find a best friend who will always support and remain close to you.

Down by the River Card - A true best friend is one who's invested in you without ulterior motives. He / she is always looking out for you, giving great advice regarding what's best for you... and keeping you out of a van down by the river.

Unpaid Therapist - A best friend is committed to listen to you rant and sympathize with you. If you've ever been ranted to, you know it's not easy. Give credit where it's due with this sweet card.

Not a Friend - Hopefully your best friend doesn't miss the important part of this card before reacting. A simple card that's guaranteed to get a chuckle.

The World is Full of Idiots - Yes, it is. The world may be a handful, but your awesome best friend makes everything more bearable.
If you're looking for something with more punch, check out our best-selling Anonymous F**K YOU Card. Just imagine your friend's reaction when he / she receives this anonymously... priceless!
30 Fun Friendship Birthday Cards
Birthdays are a hard thing to keep track of, especially when you have a lot of friends. Show you care enough to remember with these 30 carefully-picked birthday card ideas.

Want Some Cake? - Life is a wild ride that can last long or end without notice. Make sure you enjoy every moment and share each milestone with your friends, assuming you all continue surviving yet another year.

Cher a Little More - "Cher" some birthday cheer with this Cher inspired birthday card. Inside is the punch line "I would, you look terrible.".

Party Pooper - For that friend who appreciates dark humor. Happy one year closer to eternal rest. You can even turn it sweet by saying it means you'll always celebrate with them, even beyond the grave.
Casserole available at Son of a Sailor Co. - …a one-of-a-kind card for that one-of-a-kind friend?
Happy Birthday from a Unicorn available at Twang and Pearl - You’re so vain, you probably think this card is about you.
Glorious Birthday available at Jackie Z Style - A pom-pom on a pool floatie — is there a more joyous way to celebrate?
Excuse To Get Wasted available at Initial Styles -There are friends we’re glad existed because, besides having someone to understand our craziness, we can also consume copious amounts of alcohol together on our birthdays.
WTF Happy Birthday available at Carmine & Hayworth - Time goes by in the blink of an eye. It seems like yesterday you were celebrating your friend’s birthday, then WTF?! It’s their birthday again, and we welcome a few more white hairs and laugh lines with them.
Age Is Just A Number from Hubbub Shop - Age is just a number, but… it’s kinda gettin’ up there.
Old Balls available at The Makers Keep - Ah… another year older! Let’s hope those old balls are still above “sea level” (i.e. not touching the toilet water).
Really Long Time Ago available at Odds and Emporium - The 1900s was not that long ago. Oh, wait...
It was decades ago.
The Thought That Counts - Nothing's more complicated than finding the perfect gift for a friend, so you can send them the perfect card instead. This card from Beach House Greetings is the way to go.
Dammit Alexa available at Spot Clothing - Maybe you forgot about their birthday, but Alexa forgot about it first. She should be the one to blame.
Forget The Present available at ALKMY - Wow. That was quite a plot twist.
But at least you’ve successfully managed their expectations. 😬
It’s Nothing available at Betsy and Iya - If a friend or a special someone doesn’t want anyone to make a huge fuss on their birthdays, this card is perfect for sending them - just a simple card saying "thank you for existing."
Today, We Celebrate You available at Neighborly Shop - A birthday is always a champagne-worthy event. However, the next day always forces us back to the realities of life and adulting.
Which sucks.
Another Gift Card from Trolley Square Market - Don't know what to give your friend for their birthday? Or just too lazy to think about it? To all the lazy gift-givers out there, this one's for you!
Remember, it's the thought that counts.
Scandalous Birthday - Do you know a friend who constantly puts up their nose on other people’s business like Lady Whistledown? Is their birthday coming up?
Lucky you, RePop Gifts has the perfect greeting card for them. Perfect for celebrating their special day, the gossip, and more to come.
Hand Rail from Crooked Crown - One of the worst parts of aging is that getting railed isn't fun anymore - especially if it's getting handrails in the shower. To avoid slippery accidents, of course!
Adult Later from Scripted Studio - You get to be reckless for one day each year. Unfortunately it always flies by. Adult responsibilities return the next day, and giving your friend this card will remind them to cherish the freedom while it lasts.
Less Candles from Palm + Perkins - Funny how the older you get, the fewer edible parts there are on your birthday cake. This card sums up that conundrum perfectly! A funny greeting card for someone who's getting old enough that their candles take up every part of the cake
Booze and Waffles from Artisan - There’s no better way to celebrate a birthday morning than getting drunk and eating waffles. This card couldn’t have described it any better. Sharing special moments with a close friend defines perfection.
You Can Do This from Penny Post - Birthdays are fun, but unfortunately it means we grow a year older. This card from Shop Penny Post is perfect for a friend going through a life crisis. It could be a useful pep talk for you, too!
Birthday Without a Party from The Brass Owl - Wish your bestie a happy birthday with this card, and at the same time, tell them you are in dire need of rest. Tequila shots may sound fun but slumping on a couch with your friend feels way better, especially now that they're getting older.

Happy Birthday Best Friend - Inspired by the iconic duo in Step Brothers. This one is for your brother / sister from another mother. We hope your friendship is as crazy as those two.

All I Ever Wanted - Let your best friend know why they hold that title. The words, "You're everything I ever wanted in a friend, happy birthday" are written inside.
The perfect card for that perfect, irreverent friend.

Carefully Selected - A+ for effort. Picking the perfect card for your friend's birthday can be tasking. This cocky and funny card will let your friend know that they're privileged to have you as their friend.

A Gift - A slightly dark yet cute birthday card. Inside reads "I hope you get lots of gifts." Just like this cat enjoying its favorite gift (note the tiny mouse with the tiny birthday hat on), wish your friend luck towards getting their favorite gifts.

Burn in Hell - The thought of burning for eternity in hell is a hard pill to swallow. For you to pick a friend that you'd go through an eternity of hellfire with means he / she has a special place in your heart. The text, "Happy birthday, my friend" is written inside.

Amazing Friend - This birthday card pretty much sums up what an amazing friendship is all about. The key ingredient, laughter, is all you need to keep each other sane.

My Best Friend - Common interest brings two people closer, whether it's loving the same things or hating them. An ideal card for that best friend who shares the same interests, both good and bad, as you.
Friendship Card Messages
Put your creativity to test by writing a personalized message inside whichever card you choose. The best messages revolve around you and your friend's experiences. Here's some example so to get your creativity flowing.
Personalize a message based on your friend's preferences, such as:
- I know you like salty stuff and hate sweets... and that's why we're friends!
- It's not a secret you hate birthday surprises... don't worry, I didn't get you one.
- I know you love cats, so here's a cat-themed card just for you!
Another tip is to tailor your message based on their experiences, such as:
- Remember that time we drank from sunset to sunrise? That was a wild night... Let's not do that again.
- I know you like to drunk call your exes when you drink too much. I'll have my phone on all night — just call me instead.
- I was thinking of that night when you popped a tire in the middle of nowhere. We just kept dancing in your headlights while waiting for Triple A. Memories like those are what make me grateful for your friendship.
You can even write a short poem, a letter to send with the card, or quote a famous friendship line from one of your favorite shows. There are literally countless ways you can express how much you appreciate your friendship through words & memories.
Thanks for Dropping By!
We hope you enjoyed our list of the best 63 friendship cards that you won't find anywhere else. Remember, life is best enjoyed with good company.
If you found the perfect card for your friend on this list, please come back and let us know how they reacted to it.
Love you!